by Nathan Stout (of
Thanks for hanging in there with me. I'm back in college again and with a full time job and a baby on the way things are just hectic. I am trying to keep up with this though...
The Sentinels #6 (eternity 1989)
The Invid Hellcat pictured here is huge! It's so much bigger than the ones in the cartoon. Like 400% times bigger! When Cabel is in the Bioroid transport we see it outside... huge!
On page 5 I finally get closure on something that has bothered me for YEARS. Rem climbs down and gets into a crashed Invid Shocktrooper. Here we see the dead Invid! He is nowhere to be seen in the cartoon.
What is the floating butler thing on page 10? My my, Dr. Lang is sure living the good life!
On the next page Karen shows up. I've always thought she looked strange. Waltrip has caught her look from the cartoon exactly. I think it's the slanted eyelids/brows that make her look strange.
On page 16 Max and Miriya are having the 'discussion' as to why they are ditching their kid cause on Earth (along with Bowie Grant).
On the last page of the comic I can tell that the shadow is obviously Vince Grant.
The Sentinels #7 (eternity 1989)
Page 2... whoa!
Ok, Rick and Lisa are stark naked in bed and when someone comes to the door Rick just says 'come in'.
There's that floating butler again...
On page 12 we get to see the GMU. It is MASSIVE! People are just specks on the page compared to it. I didn't think it was quite that big. I can see how the Southern Cross people felt that the REF were taking all the good stuff with them and leaving Earth with nothing.
Page 15... really...
Overall this was a good issue. It took us all over the place, giving us bits of each set of character's story with a bunch of new stuff. We have finally moved on past the cartoon and are now in Eternity's own creation, bound only by Macek's notes (and perhaps the books).
The Sentinels #8 (eternity 1989)
This issue appears to be a mixture of pencils and watercolors. Interesting look. We've seen it before but I thought I'd mention it.
Bowie looks a bit frightening on page 1.
The pretext of Minmei just wanting to see Rick and Lisa one last time (so she steals a shuttle to do it) is a bit much. I know we have to (story-wise) get her back to the SDF-3 without doing it willfully but still...
When Rem and Cabel go into Zor's study on page 14... I think that's cool.
Whoa! Now this is getting interesting. The SDF-3 just popped into Tirol space! I must confess I haven't read The Sentinels in so long I really have forgotten what happens so you will have to forgive me for doing a lot of exclaiming from this point forward.
On page 21 Lisa acts dumb as to who the Invid are... how is this? The RDF knew about the Invid from the start (see Lang's first visit to the SDF-1). Guess we need some exposition...
The Sentinels #9 (eternity 1989)
Nice 2 page scene on page 2 and 3!
Page 7 has some great mecha art too. All the mech art in this issue is awesome.
Also on page 7... the skull symbol on Max's Alpha looks more like an alien than a skull.
The Logan fighters are kinda strange looking. You will notice that the cockpit canopy comes all the way down to seat level. It's like the cockpit is 50% canopy.
Wolf does some surprisingly detailed oxygen analysis in a split second and has some questions as to why there are 2 people in the EVA but only enough oxygen for one...
Cabel's schematics don't make sense (if you read what he is saying about what they represent).
The Invid brain is quite the comedian.
At the end of this issue it appears the Invid made quick work of nearly taking out the SDF-3. Puny humans!
The Sentinels #10 (eternity 1989)
On page 3 we see the SDF-3's council chamber. That table setup looks an awful lot like the one in Star Wars on the Death Star... And I bet everyone has to speak up to be heard... it's awfully big.
I forgot Jean was a doctor. She was always just in the background but now (in the comics) we get some more depth (a little, at least).
Page 10... ho ho ho, who is this?...
Oh snap! Dr. Lang almost got busted when Rick walked in. Lang's Janis PC looks like a cash register...
On page 14 we get to see the MASSIVE GMU again. That think is way too big to be useful.
Wait a cotton-pickin' minute... Lisa's hair... it's back to it's former... er... self. (on page 20).
The Sentinels #11 (eternity 1989)
On page 3 Cabell looks a little 'derpy' on the 4th frame here...
I though Obsim was killed a couple of issues back by the Regent... I guess those Invid all look alike.
Ah ha! So we finally get to see some of the 'newer' mecha designs. Been waiting for this...
The look on Jack's face at the bottom of page 12 is great.
I think my favorite character in this whole mess is the Invid brain. He has the smarts and the wit!
On page 17 Cabell is holding a rifle backwards. Now I understand this is a comedic point but really? Would anyone (even people who have never clapped eyes on a rifle) hold it the wrong way around?
The sentry guards around the armory look cool.
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